An eventful week at the NEC
Article Date: 25/02/2014
The Caravan and Camping Show at the NEC February 2014
We joined our friends, Tripbuddy, on stand 2222 for a very busy half-term week at the NEC. Tripbuddy were showing their amzing little carava/tent/awning combo, which really surprised people, with many of them coming away with silly grins on their faces! There were remarks of, 'What is it?' and 'Is it a simulator?' and ' It looks like a spaceship!' but most people who actualy stepped inside and discovered the clever use of space really liked it.
The stand of Bulldog products was also a bit of a crowd pleaser, as Marina was on hand to demonstrate how the Bulldog lock system works, with a full hands-on demonstration for anyone who wanted to see it first hand. We showed how the quarter turn of the lock would release the 10pin radial lock, and so disengage the ball bearing locking mechanism from the grooved cup.
Marina showed how easy it is to use the products such as the WW100B hitch lock for the Winterhoff hitches, and the AJ10 hitch lock for the Al-Ko hitch heads. Both can be fitted in seconds, and can be fitted while the caravan is attached to a tow vehcile, so ideal for when stopping at the services.
We also ran a competition to guess where Marina is taking the Tripbuddy caravan on holiday later this year, and the winning location was box 79 - the Kielder Forest. We have contacted the lucky winner of the Centaur Wheelclamp, and will post details once we have them.
The week culminated on Sunday, with the busiest day of the week! We had no time to have a break, and were really grateful when the show closed at 6pm and we could dismantle and go home!