Bulldog CT600 Chereau Container Lock

Product Details
Bulldog CT600 container lock was designed and manufactured for the rear door locking system on Chereau box trailers June 2009 onwards.
* The enclosed outer sleeves slide over the door handles and the two halves are locked centrally
* Distance to outside of handles = 825mm approx.
* Width of box that fits over handles = 137mm
* Depth of the box = 20mm
* 75mm x 6mm case hardened steel arms offer a serious deterrent to thieves
* Easily moved from trailer to trailer
* Utilises the Bulldog highly developed 10 pin plunge lock, anti-drill centre pin. Can be locked without the use of keys.
* Additional holes in lock arms for attachment of security seals
* Multiple locks can be supplied with the same key for fleet of multi user applications
Data Sheet [CT600.pdf]
File Size: 997.74KB
Instruction [CT550 and CT600 Instruction.pdf]
File Size: 518.35KB