Bulldog DMAKS Alko Hitch Lock

Product Details
Bulldog DMAKS Suitable for Alko 2000, 2500 and 2700 stabiliser hitch heads.
Versatile will fit hitched, unhitched or in conjunction with a bulldog lock post.
* Quick and easy to fit.
* Ideal for touring as it is compact and easily stored.
* Well proven high security drill and pick resistant lock.
* 4mm thick bottom channel encloses the hitch head and fixings.
* Black powder coated finish.
* Complete with dummy ring to restrict access to the towing point.
* Sold Secure Gold Approval.
* Insurance Approved.
* The Mini Lock meets Police approved standards.
Secured by Design is the only form of Police approval for products in the UK.
Magazine reviews
Practical caravan guide to security-
"A clear winner very sturdy indeed, I would be happy owning one of these."
Practical Caravan Magazine-
"The attack needed to breach this lock could wake the dead. Its essentialy a super tough steel box, all the locks are enclosed and there are no obvious access points."
Auto Express Best Buy-
"There can only be one winner and our choice is Bulldog."
Caravan Club Magazine-
"It is one of the best out there"
Towergate Bakers offer £25 off Caravan Insurance against new applications and renewals of existing policies.
Product Video
Data Sheet [Minilock Data Sheet.PDF]
File Size: 679.89KB
Caravan Hitchlock Identification [CARAVAN HITCH LOCK IDENTIFICATION CHART.pdf]
File Size: 1.27MB
Instruction [Minilock.pdf]
File Size: 285.64KB